Hi, my name is
Andrew Rose. Welcome to my digital world.
I'm a software developer with a passion for crafting remarkable digital experiences. I specialize in building robust and user-friendly applications that make a difference. Explore my work to see how I turn ideas into reality.Learn More
01.About Me
Hello! I'm Andrew Rose, a software engineer passionate about bringing digital ideas to life. My journey began at Western Washington University, where I acquired a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and a Minor in Mathematics, delving into courses such as OOP Design, Secure Software Development, Database Systems, Data Structures, and Analysis of Algorithms.
Currently, I'm working as a Junior Software Developer at Saturna Capital. Here, I am contributing to the backend development of game-changing financial service products. I actively utilize modern technologies such as NestJS, PostgreSQL, React, Typescript, and Hasura. In my spare time, I am working on a 2D Metroidvania game using Unity and C#.
Here are a few technologies I have been working with recently:
- Javascript (ES6+)
- Typescript
- NodeJs
- NestJs
- NextJs
- React
- PostgreSQL
- Hasura

02.Where I Have Worked
- Saturna Capital
- Swinomish Casino
Junior Software Developer @Saturna Capital
July 2022 - Present
- Designed and implemented scalable APIs and databases to efficiently manage client's personally identifiable information and transaction data, ensuring to maintain data integrity and security.
- Designed and developmed a new event-driven open architecture financial services product, using modern technologies such as NestJS, PostgreSQL, React, and Hasura to deliver a robust and scalable solution.
- Implemented efficient Continuous Integration/Deployment pipelines by using Docker containers and environment decoupling techniques to significantly reduce build times and enhance deployment efficiency.
- Implemented comprehensive unit and end-to-end testing strategies with JestJs.
03.Some Things I Have Built
Other Noteworthy Projects
Trading Bot
A program to automatically buy and sell equities based on user defined trading strategies. Includes the ability to backtest straategies.
- Python
- Pandas
Sudoko Solver
A simple tool to solve any (solvable) sudoko puzzle using backtracking recursion.
- Java
Number Guessing Mobile App
A mobile game against an AI, where the computer attempts to guess your secret number.
- React Native
- Javascript
Word Guessing Game
A 2-player CLI based word guessing game, where one player chooses a word while the othe rplayer attempt to guess.
- C
A 2-player CLI based hangman game that utilizes sockets to connect hosts.
- C
To Do Mobile App
A IOS/Android app to keep track of your goals and tasks.
- React native
- Javascript
04. What's Next?
Get In Touch
My inbox is always open. Please feel free to reach out for any reason, and I'll try my best to get back to you!